Comparing two contrasting libraries for testing React components

For a long time, when testing React components, we were stuck with Enzyme. There was no other choice. Recently, a new player called the React Testing Library joined the frontend testing realm. We have seen it start to gain some real traction.

So when should you use one vs. the other? What purpose does each one serve? Let’s compare Enzyme to the React Testing Library and see what they are both about. We will do a proper comparison by covering:

  • Basics: Warming up and learning a bit about each library.
  • Setup: How easy is it to install each one?
  • Different mindset: What is their take on testing?
  • Snapshot testing: What is it and why should you care?
  • Examples: Some actual code that reflects the difference between both libs.
  • Wrap up: Final thoughts.

#react #web-development #javascript #programming #testing

React Enzyme vs. React Testing Library
2.15 GEEK