We spent the last few months a bunch of cool HR market apps, like Cooleaf or Guild. The process required top-notch software design and we hope the final product will draw large crowds of satisfied users. But first, apps like these and their features have to be presented to decision-makers in startups, SMBs or enterprises, who get the final say in whether or not they will need your HR software.

Let’s break the process down and take a closer look at what to embrace and what to avoid while creating HR software communication in 2019.

The Power of One-liners

The first thing that everyone sees and that can’t be unseen is the copywriting. I spent days browsing through tens if not hundreds of HR applications and, to be honest, I was quite surprised that Human Resources usually bring their A-game when it comes to their copy.

Catchy, prominent one-liners almost everywhere were spot on.

Peakon managed to explain their core business in literally two lines, with a pinch of social proof below.

#hrtech #product design #user experience #hr app #hr software

How to Sell Your HR App — Good Practices in HR Software Communication
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