iOS App Analytics: Tips to Glean the Maximum Value

It is now common knowledge that data and its analytics is a crucial part of the success of, well, any endeavor. Despite that, a surprisingly low number of people end up making use of the tools at their disposal. Take iOS analytics, for example; a free-of-charge provision by Apple, this nifty little feature empowers developers to gain a better quality of insights about their app, etc. So, here are some of the most important data points for in-depth analytics.

  1. Impressions: This refers to the number of views the app has received on the App Store. The counted views include only ones that last for over a second, including product page views, search results, explore page, top charts, etc.
  2. Product Page Views: This refers to the number of times a given app’s page on the App Store has been viewed.
  3. App units: This counts the total number of first-time app purchases made on the App Store. It must be noted that the number is not inclusive of repeat downloads from the same Apple ID or device.
  4. Sessions: This number refers to how many times the app has been used for over two seconds.
  5. Active devices: This number refers to the sessions running at any given time. This number too requires the app to agree to share their data with the app developer.
  6. In-app purchases: This data is used to refer to all the first-time in-app purchases made via an iOS device.
  7. Sales: As the name suggests, this number refers to the total revenue collected via the app. The number includes not only in-app purchases but also the initial price of the app, app bundles, etc.
  8. Crashes: A rather obvious one, but important nonetheless; this number refers to the total number of times an app crashes during a given period.

This data gleaned from the in-app analytics can then be used to drive a variety of strategic decisions for the business to boost user interest and engagement. Now let us also take a look at how iOS apps help retain their users’ interest.

  1. Push notification: Research has shown time and again that personalized experiences are a compelling way to foster loyalty among users. Unlike what some may think, push notifications are a terrific means to deliver personalized content, such as a welcome message or perhaps offers based on their location among other things. The more tailored the content, the more likely will be users’ return.
  2. In-app content and messaging: Unlike notifications, in-app messages don't necessitate immediate action from the customer. However, they serve an important role, often alerting users about payment failures, available upgrades, or any app issues, etc.
  3. Encourage communication: It is no secret that today customers expect to feel valued by the brands to whom they give their business. Now, that is impossible to achieve unless you offer two-way communication. iOS apps with such provisions allow users to inform brands precisely what they want and share other such valuable feedback that helps address customers’ concerns.

Custom iPhone apps development may seem like a challenging prospect at first, especially considering the intense competition in the market. However, once you understand how to leverage iOS app analytics to your advantage, gaining an edge over your peers and winning over your customers will be as easy as ABC.

iOS App Analytics: Tips to Glean the Maximum Value
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