InThis tutorial, We will build a registration form using the Spring MVC form tag. Spring MVC tags are special tags that are helpful for data binding. I will give you a complete code walkthrough of some of the most used form elements. eg. textbox,radio button,dropdown,password field,checkbox etc. These elements could be 
created by using form:input, form:radiobutton,  form:select, form:password , form:checkbox respectively.

We will be building a registration form and will go through a full stack tech walkthrough.

1.Creating a Registration controller
2.Design Registration form using spring MVC form tag
2.Design a registration dto(data transfer object) for data binding
3. Handling the form submission.
4.Capturing data using @ModelAttribute (model)
5.using jstl for the array data iteration


 Build A Registration form using The Spring MVC Form Tag
1.35 GEEK