Graphical User Interface, or GUI, as it’s more commonly known, is one of the three main cornerstones of any application, with the other two being security and performance. Maintaining the right balance between these three vital aspects can help you ensure an intuitive and seamless user experience. We can’t stress enough how important it is to have a user interface that’s minimalistic and, at the same time, robust. Gone are the days when developers would start losing their minds to create that perfect user interface in the absence of powerful tools like frameworks.

The goal behind this article is to help anyone out there who’s struggling to find the right framework for building interactive GUIs with the several GUI frameworks Python has to offer.

Best Python GUI Frameworks for Developers

  1. PyQt5
  2. Tkinter
  3. Kivy
  4. wxPython
  5. Libavg
  6. PySimpleGUI
  7. PyForms
  8. Wax
  9. PySide2
  10. PyGUI

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Top 10 Python GUI Frameworks for Developers in 2021
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