A Flutter Toast and Notification Library

overlay_support .provider support for overlay, easy to build toast and internal notification.

this library support platform Android、iOS 、Linux、macOS、Windows and Web


If you want to see the ui effect of this library, just click here https://boyan01.github.io/overlay_support/#/

How To Use

  1. add dependencies into you project pubspec.yaml file
  overlay_support: latest_version

  1. wrap your AppWidget with OverlaySupport
  return OverlaySupport(child: MaterialApp());
  1. show toast or simple notifications
//popup a toast
toast('Hello world!');

//show a notification at top of screen
    Text("this is a message from simple notification"),
    background: Colors.green);

more instructions check here : example/readme.md

Download Details:

Author: boyan01

GitHub: https://github.com/boyan01/overlay_support

#flutter #programming

A Flutter Toast and Notification Library
11.90 GEEK