AWS Lambda is a serverless computing service that lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. You simply upload your code and Lambda does all the work to execute and scale your code for high availability. Many AWS customers today use this serverless computing platform to significantly improve their productivity while developing and operating applications.

Today, I am happy to announce that AWS Lambda now supports AWS PrivateLink which lets you invoke Lambda functions securely from inside your virtual private cloud (VPC) or on-premises data centers without exposing traffic to the public Internet.

Until now, in order to call Lambda functions, a VPC required an Internet Gatewaynetwork address translation (NAT) gateway, and/or public IP address. With this update, PrivateLink routes the call through the AWS private network, eliminating the need for Internet access. Additionally, you can now call the Lambda API directly from your on-premises data centers by connecting to a VPC using AWS Direct Connect or AWS VPN Connections.

Some customers have wanted to manage and call Lambda functions from a VPC that doesn’t have internet access due to internal IT governance requirements. With this update, you will now be able to use Lambda without going through the public internet. Also, customers who have maintained a NAT gateway to access Lambda from a VPC can use a VPC endpoint instead of incurring the cost of the NAT gateway. Security is further improved because you no longer need to allow Internet access to your VPC to call Lambda functions, and network architecture becomes more simple and easily manageable.

How to Get Started With AWS PrivateLink

AWS PrivateLink uses an elastic network interface called the “Interface VPC endpoint” to act as an entry point for traffic targeting AWS services. Interface endpoints limit all network traffic to AWS internal network and provide secure access to your services. The Interface VPC endpoint is a redundant, highly available VPC component that has a private IP address and is scaled horizontally.

Getting Started Using the AWS Management Console

To get started, you can use the AWS Management ConsoleAWS CLI, or AWS CloudFormation. In this first example, I’ll show the Management Console.

First, you access the VPC management console, and click “Endpoints.”

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New – Use AWS PrivateLink to Access AWS Lambda Over Private AWS Network
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