Python is a popular language in data science, and of course, the most popular language for machine learning in production.

However, if you look at the whole landscape of data science, analytics and business intelligence across industries and academia, you’ll realize there are opportunities for Python to grow with new tools and techniques.

As an example, time series analysis made tremendous progress in R environment. And that’s because of its low barrier to entry with rich libraries such as fpp2. Python is still popular in some fields of time series, but still a long way to go for a fpp2 equivalent in the forecasting arena.

First, it requires more and more practitioners interested in doing data science in Python. For beginners, the most important is ensuring a low barrier to entry.

The purpose of this article is to talk about the utilities of Python pandasto set up your environment for data analysis. It is an effort to show how learning only few commands can kick-off to more advanced modeling.

What is Pandas?

pandas is a powerful, flexible and accessible data mining library in Python. It was originally developed at a financial management company. Anyone familiar with the finance sector knows a lot of its data science is actually time series analysis.

In fact, the name Pandas came from panel data, which is a special type of time series data used in econometrics. If you are interested in econometrics and its applications in data science check this out:

Pandas for data wrangling

Data scientists spend a bulk of their time (some would say 80%) in wrangling and preparing data for analysis. Since pandas was designed specifically to meet this part of the analytics pipeline, if you know how it works and how to make the best use of it for data prep, the rest is easy.

So here is an analytics pipeline to making data analysis-ready — from basic analytics to advanced modeling.

Importing data

The first order of business is installing the pandas library of course.

import pandas as pd

Now, you can import data from a variety of sources. It could be a file from your computer, text from the web or by querying a SQL database.

Data also comes in a variety of formats such as csv, excel, json etc.

So knowing where to import from and which format it is will determine what commands to use. Here’s a couple of examples.

# improt a csv from the local machine or from the web
df = pd.read_csv("Your-Data-Path.csv")

# importing an excel file from the computer
df = pd.read_excel("Your-Data-Path.xlsx")

Data inspection

After importing data you want to check out a few things such as the data structure, number of rows and columns, unique values, NaN values etc.

# description of index, entries, columns, data types, memory info

# know the number of rows and columns
# check out first few rows
# if too many columns, list all of them
# number of unique values of a column
# show all unique values of ONE column
# number of unique values in ALL columns altogether

Missing values

Having missing values in a dataset should come as no surprise. First, you need to check if there are missing values:

# checking out number of missing values in each column

# number of missing values as a percentage of total observations

Now, once you have identified that there are missing values, a few things you could do — drop the missing value rows, drop an entire column, substitute values — all depending on your analytical/modeling needs. Here are some basic commands:

# drop all rows containing null

# fill na values with strings
df.fillna("data missing")
# fill na values with mean of columns

I wrote an entire article about dealing with missing values if you’d like to check out:

Column operations

By column operations I mean one of several things — selecting columns, dropping columns, renaming, adding new ones, sorting etc. In advanced analytics you might want to create a new column, calculated based on existing columns (e.g. creating an “age” based on existing “date_of_birth” column).

# select a column by name

# select multiple columns by column name
df[["column_name1", "column_name2"]] # notice the double brackets
# select first 3 columns based on column locations
df.iloc[:, 0:4]
# select columns 1, 2, 5
df.iloc[:, [1, 2, 5]]
# drop a column
df.drop("column_name", axis = 1)
# create a list of all columns in a dataframe
# rename a column
df.rename(columns = {"old_name": "new_name"})
# create a new column by multiplying an old column by 2
df["new_column_name"] = df["existing_column"] * 2
# sorting a column value in an ascending order
df.sort_values(by = "column_name", ascending = True)

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Pandas essentials for data science
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