Filenamify: Convert A String to A Valid Safe Filename


Convert a string to a valid safe filename

On Unix-like systems, / is reserved. On Windows, <>:"/\|?* along with trailing periods are reserved.


npm install filenamify


import filenamify from 'filenamify';

//=> '!foo!bar!'

filenamify('foo:"bar"', {replacement: '🐴'});
//=> 'foo🐴bar🐴'


filenamify(string, options?)

Convert a string to a valid filename.

filenamifyPath(path, options?)

Convert the filename in a path a valid filename and return the augmented path.

import {filenamifyPath} from 'filenamify'; filenamifyPath('foo:bar'); //=> 'foo!bar'


Type: object


Type: string
Default: '!'

String to use as replacement for reserved filename characters.

Cannot contain: < > : " / \ | ? *


Type: number
Default: 100

Truncate the filename to the given length.

Only the base of the filename is truncated, preserving the extension. If the extension itself is longer than maxLength, you will get a string that is longer than maxLength, so you need to check for that if you allow arbitrary extensions.

Systems generally allow up to 255 characters, but we default to 100 for usability reasons.

Browser-only import

You can also import filenamify/browser, which only imports filenamify and not filenamifyPath, which relies on path being available or polyfilled. Importing filenamify this way is therefore useful when it is shipped using webpack or similar tools, and if filenamifyPath is not needed.

import filenamify from 'filenamify/browser';

//=> '!foo!bar!'


Download Details:

Author: Sindresorhus
Source Code: 
License: MIT license

#node #string 

Filenamify: Convert A String to A Valid Safe Filename
1.40 GEEK