While AI is now a key driver in transformation, it is equally crucial to know why this change is needed

We are living in a fast-paced competitive world. If business brands are not innovative and eager to experiment with the updates of the disruptive technologies, they risk staying behind in this rat race. So the marketing teams in the upfront must take bold initiatives and invest in technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, and machine learning before it is too late. While we are at the height of inflated expectations of what AI can do, it does help us achieve customer engagement, trends forecasting, price optimization among its numerous benefits. This revolution is driven by the entry of affordable and accessible advanced data analytics tools and the abundance of qualitative and extensive data sources. Besides, there has been an increasing realization and acceptance among marketers about the potentials and possibilities of data-driven practices that help in making better marketing decisions. Most of the models employed are based on machine learning techniques. Hence it is necessary to be familiar with some of the buzzwords of AI in the marketing industry. Since AI is effectively evolving as an integral part of marketing, Forbes urges visionary marketing leaders to put efforts into understanding AI and how it impacts both marketers and consumers.

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Why Marketers Must Focus on Learning How AI Impacts this Industry
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