Welcome again to my channel “CodeWithJV”. In this video, I have demonstrated top three extensions for Visual Studio Code which I have been using for a while. Those extensions help me improving my productivity and make my life easy.

Here is the link for Extensions mentioned in the Video:

  1. C#
    This extension provides support for intellisense and debugging in Visual Studio Code. It is based on omnisharp project which is developed for providing C# intellisense to various editors

  2. C# XML Documentation Comments:
    This provides XML comments for C# just like VisualStudio which is required for generating documentation from comment.

  3. C# Extensions:
    This extension provides IDE-like features and improvements like ctor will be converted into proper constructor body and some of the refactoring features of IDE like VisualStudio i.e. Initialize properties with constructor etc.

#c #csharp #programming-c

Top 3(Three) Extension for C# Development on Visual Studio Code
1.25 GEEK