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At some point, your projects will grow. And I have a good and a bad news for you.

The bad news is your codebase can possibly be out of control so that you end up throw it into the basket and start everything again from scratch. You hope you can make it better this time. Except it’s not if you keep the same mindset.

Fortunately, the good news is you can avoid the bad news by using tips to write scalable code I’m going to share below. Keep reading.

1. Use Design Patterns

If you want to solve coding problems in a reusable way, you need to spend time on design patterns.

A design pattern is like a template for solving a common problem in coding. It’s a tried and tested solution that works, you don’t need to waste time trying to reinvent the wheel.

Try to master it and you will see how easier your life as a developer.

2. Separate Your Code

Don’t mix all your type of code in one place. You should separate them, for example, into logic, view, and data. You can use some architectures like MVC to decorate your codebase. The separated code is always more controllable than the messy one.

The same mindset should be applied when you’re writing functions. Long story short, don’t put a bunch of stuff into one function. Always keep in mind that one function one mission.

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9 Tips for Writing Scalable JavaScript Code
31.90 GEEK