We will provide an example of how you can get the image labels using the AWS Rekognition. If you are not familiar with boto3, I would recommend having a look at the Basic Introduction to Boto3.

Object Detection with Rekognition using the AWS Console

You can start experimenting with the Rekognition on the AWS Console. Let’s have a look at the example that they provided. Notice that you can upload your own image as well.

Image for post

As we can see from the screenshot above many objects returned as well as their corresponding confidence.

Object Detection with Rekognition using the Boto3

We can also get the image labels using Boto3. Let’s see how we can do it. For this example, we will use the same image as above. There are two ways to get the images, one is from the S3 and the other is from local files. We will show both ways.

#rekognition #object-detection #python #artificial-intelligence #aws

Object Detection with Rekognition on Images
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