A Full-stack Web App Where Customers or Clients Can Order any Services

Creative Agency

A full-stack web app where customers or clients can order any services. When you login, it automatically filters, if you are a customer then you can see the order, order review, and review section but if you are an admin then you can see the add-service, service list, and make-admin section in the dashboard. When a customer Clicking on any service will take you to the dashboard, before that you have to log in with google. Then the customer can order and it automatically stores the database. In the dashboard customers or clients can feedback on our service, and this feedback dynamically shows the web page and stores the database. On the admin side, the admin accepts the client order and then the admin can also show the service list and client order list. Admin can add or permission multiple user admin in the admin section. When the admin can add more service it automatically stores the database and dynamically updates the service section on the home page.


  • A full-stack single-page web app with admin panel and clients.
  • Clients can order service, add reviews, and also show his/her all order list.
  • Admin can see all service lists, add a new service, and delete service.
  • Admin can add a new admin/staff member
  • Admin can confirm/delete the service order status


  • React
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Bootstrap
  • Material UI
  • Firebase
  • Heroku




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Download Details:

Author: nahidkishore

Demo: https://creative-agency-638cf.web.app/

Source Code: https://github.com/nahidkishore/Creative-agency

#react #reactjs #javascript

A Full-stack Web App Where Customers or Clients Can Order any Services
2.30 GEEK