Welcome to my Progressive Web Application.

In the file above, we have a typical HTML page with a title that reads “My PWA Application” and a welcome message on the page. This file also references a manifest.json file (to configure our PWA for installation), a styles.css file for some basic styling, and an app.js file which will load in our service worker. All of these files will be created in the course of this tutorial.
To have a preview of the application, run the following command at the root of the application:
This will invoke the http-server module to spin up an ad hoc server to serve the application. You will see the following screen in your browser after navigating to the URL where the application is being served (the address will be displayed on the console after running the command).
Note: I am running in Incognito mode on the Google Chrome browser with the developer tools opened and mobile view activated. I prefer running PWAs in Incognito mode during development as this ensures that I get updates to my service worker.

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1.05 GEEK