“There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.” — Jiddu Krishnamurti

The relevance of the quote increases manifold for ML practitioners. With huge data surge, the market is in ever increasing need of the candidates who can interpret and provide the decision-making solutions by mining the humongous data.

Such dynamic requirements call for the need to keep oneself constantly up-skilled with the new advancements in Data Science (DS) domain. While it is a dreary task for some, it’s a pure joy for others.

If you are among the latter category and are always on a lookout to learn a new concept or revisit the concepts as a mere refreshment and validation of your current understanding, then this post is for you.

With the advent of democratization of education, learning has never been this easy. Online learning is the new norm with the entire education system undergoing a paradigm shift amid pandemic.

Thankfully (or not 😊), there’s a horde of Data Science MooCs to prepare the participants to break into DS career or move up the ladder.

I recently completed 3 courses from Micromasters Program in Statistics and Data Science from MIT (edX ) and would like to share how enriching experience it was. Generally, when we look at the criteria of selecting a particular course, we check the breadth and depth of topics covered in a course, what is the return on time and money investment, how rewarding it is in terms of building the intuition. This program fits all these requirements to a greater extent.

#data-science #machine-learning #artificial-intelligence #mooc #online-learning #deep learning

A Data Science program to raise the bar
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