Calculate Age from Date of birth using Javscript

JavaScript offers some built-in date and time functions, which helps to calculate the age from the date (Date of Birth). Using these JavaScript methods, you can easily find the age of anyone. For this, we require a date input from the user and the current system date. We need to track the following conditions in mind while calculating the difference between them:

  • If the current date is less than the date (birthdate) entered by the user, that month will not be counted as the month is not completed. Otherwise, we will add the number of month days (30 or 31) to the current date to get the difference between them.
  • If the current month is less than the birth month, the current year will not be counted. To get the month's difference, we will subtract by adding the total number of months (12) to the current month.
  • Finally, we just need to subtract the date, month and year after satisfying the above two conditions.


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Calculate Age from Date of birth using Javscript
5.10 GEEK