Hidden menus make applications more aesthetic and easy to use by keeping some options hidden. This post explores how this works using the SwipeView control in Xamarin Forms.

Have you ever seen apps with cool hidden menus with a set of options that you need to slide left or right to get to them? 🤔 No? Let me give an example… 💭 imagine a restaurant app in which you have a list of foods and within that list you can slide the chosen food. By doing this slide, you can see different actions that were hidden (for example, modify or delete food).

Thanks to these types of menus, we can make our applications more aesthetic and reduce space in the interface design by keeping some options hidden, making our user experience more intuitive and fun! And guess what!? In Xamarin Forms this control is named SwipeView and in this article we will be learning how to use it! Let’s see!

#xamarin #swipeview #xamarin forms

Learning about SwipeView in Xamarin Forms
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