Entrepreneurs around the world want a top-notch mobile application for their business in both Android and iOS platforms. Most of them get stuck mid-way where they struggle to pick the best technology suitable for their business. From questions such as native mobile development or cross-platform development? Flutter or Ionic or React Native?. Each technology and development approach has its own Pros and Cons from which you will need to choose the right one for your business. If you think Ionic is the right cross-platform application development, here are a few pros and cons of Ionic development. 

What is Ionic Framework?

Being an open-source SDK for building Hybrid mobile applications in both Android and iOS platforms, Ionic is the best choice for building top of the line mobile applications. This Ionic framework is completely based on Apache Cordova and Angular. More precisely, Ionic is an npm module that requires the installation of Node JS to function.

One can build a full functioning mobile application in both platforms using their Javascript, HTML, and CSS knowledge without requiring the basics of Kotlin or Java. More than 5 Million mobile applications are built using this Ionic framework by leveraging its platform-specific UI elements, innumerable libraries, and more exciting features.

The applications that are built using the Ionic framework are cross-platform, web-based, and have access to native device’s APIs.

Ionic Applications are

  • Cross-platform – Single code base for both platforms (except native components)
  • Web-based – Built using web-views and can be displayed in a browser like PWAs.
  • Access to native API components – They can access native device’s camera, files, and others.

Advantages of Ionic Development

Quick Development and Time To Market

For entrepreneurs and business owners, ionic development can be beneficial if they want to develop a mobile application in both platforms in a short period of time while comparing to native applications. Building native applications specifically for each platform can be time-consuming which can imply a delay in time to market and development cost of native applications are generally expensive.

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Pros and Cons of Ionic Development
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