Unlike other open source projects, Angular tries to bring a new major release at least twice a year. With each new release, Angular stands by its commitment to ensuring the upgrade process is easier every time.

In fact, we noticed recently that the Angular team was preparing for a new major release, v10. By keeping an eye on the number of RC releases, we could tell that v10 is just around the corner and knew we needed to start testing for support with our open source projects.

Our open source UI library, Ionic Framework, depends heavily on Angular. And given that our ionic/ angular package is powering roughly 20% of all the apps in both Google Play and the iOS App Stores, we think it’s pretty important for us to manage these updates in a safe and reliable way.

With that in mind, we thought it would be fun to share some insight on how we prepare and manage Angular updates — at both the app level and library level — and in turn, make sure millions of users have a great upgrade experience. So let’s dive in.

#angular #ionic-framework #ionic

How to Leverage Angular Prereleases to keep Ionic in Sync
3.10 GEEK