The second annual JakartaOne Livestream virtual conference, scheduled within less than a month after the formal GA releases of Jakarta EE 9 and MicroProfile 4.0, will go live on December 8th, 2020, with the first of 12 one-hour sessions starting at 6:00am EST. Focused on Jakarta EE- and MicroProfile-related topics, these sessions include keynotes, 15-minute theme slots and panel discussions delivered by a host of Java luminaries. Categories for this year’s event were defined as: Jakarta EE 9/10, MicroProfile 4.0, GlassFish 6.0, Java, individual Jakarta EE specifications and showcase applications development with Jakarta EE.

The JakartaOne Livestream 2020 program committee includes: Will Lyons, senior director of Enterprise Cloud Native Java Product Management at Oracle; Rabea Gransberger, software engineer at MEKOS; Ivan Ivanov, co-founder and senior programmer at VIDA Software; Michael Redlich, senior research technician at a petrochemical research organization and senior Java Queue news editor at InfoQ; Ivar Grimstad, Jakarta EE developer advocate at Eclipse; and Tanja Obradovic, Jakarta EE program manager at the Eclipse Foundation.


JakartaOne Livestream 2020 Highlights Jakarta EE 9 and MicroProfile 4.0
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