In My Last article, I gave a description around Kubernetes security and here with this article, I am going further ahead on the discussion with overall assurance of Kubernetes deployment.

Background: Containers and Kubernetes

The adoption of Containers and dominance of kubernetes is very well known, A recent survey below shown the adoption of kubernetes emerging as a non disputed leaders whether its with hyper-scalers, self managed and any other CaaS offerings.

Adoption in Production

Even in last CNCF report, too that How Container adoption is now moving from development to Production in last few years is exemplary and still there is a long way ahead. As container technologies don’t discriminate any industries, whether its ecommerce, IT, Telco , Banking , Pharma and many more,

So as we see above, Many industries are in mid way of their journey of container adaption, Few are exploring and Few are still watching closely, I would definitely like to name out two industries Banking and Telecom, who are the major explorer and watcher, and Reason being, It is quite challenging, complex ,as this nature line of business require full assurance of high availability, scalability, security and much more (like acceleration in terms of compute, network) .

Even we recently saw an example Nokia, moving to Kubernetes based infra on a public cloud hyperscaler as of now only for their IT workloads not the Core telecom functionalities So Lets discuss and understand why this is a trudging journey for some industries.

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Why not CKT-Certified Kubernetes Tester?
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