Instagram Clone App Using - Dart, Flutter, Firebase

InstaDart - Instagram Clone

A working Instagram clone written with Dart & Flutter using Firebase as backend.


  • Firebase auth Signup + Login

  • Custom photo feed based on who you follow

  • Post photo posts from camera or gallery

  • Like posts

  • Comment on posts

  • View all comments on a post

  • Delete current user posts

  • Show posts on profile again after deleted

  • Archive current user posts

  • Show post on profile again after archiver

  • Edit current user posts

  • Turn off commenting on current user posts

  • Allow commenting on posts

  • Share post to other mobile apps

  • Search for users

  • Profile Pages

  • Follow / Unfollow Users

  • View user’s followers / following

  • Change image view from grid layout to feed layout

  • Message other users

  • Edit current user profile image / name / add your bio

  • Activity Feed showing recent likes / comments of your posts + new followers

  • Archived Post screen

  • Deleted Post screen

  • Dark / Light Mode

  • Direct Messaging screen stream current user chats

  • Chat Screen stream messages + upload images

  • Push notifications - For Comments on posts, Likes on post, Direct messages, New followers and more…

  • Add Filters to Posts + Stories

  • Custom Camera Screen

  • Stories with filters, text, links and duration settings

  • Verified Users

  • Admin Users

  • Zoom IN & OUT on posts images.

  • Share Images from create stories screen to messages.


Login Screen + Error Handling Signup  Screen + Error Handling Feed Screen + Search Screen + Profile Screen
Upload New Post Direct Messaging Receiving Notifications
Direct Messaging Light / Dark Mode About App Dialog
Archive Post + Show on Profile Delete Post + Show on Profile Edit Post
Edit Profile Screen Followers-Following Screen Like + Comment on Post
Share Post To Another Apps Turn Off Commenting Activity Screen


What’s Next?

  • [x] Edit Posts
  • [x] Dark / Light Theme Mode
  • [x] Splash Screen
  • [x] Delete / Archive Posts
  • [x] Turn on / off Comments on Posts
  • [x] Login + Signup - Show Auth indication + Error Handling
  • [x] Share Posts to external Apps
  • [x] Notificaitons for likes, comments, follows, messages, etc
  • [x] Delete Posts Firebase Function
  • [x] Direct Messaging
  • [x] Upgrade PageView + NavigationBar on HomeScreen
  • [ ] Error handling
  • [x] Custom Camera Screen
  • [x] Add filters to Post + Stories
  • [ ] Improve Caching of Profiles, Images, Etc.
  • [ ] Firebase Security Rules
  • [ ] Upgrade Messaging with new Features - send audio
  • [x] Stories - show stories on user profile…
  • [x] Verified Users - on Progress
  • [x] User Roles - on Progress
  • [x] Stories Screen - Share Image to Direct Messaging
  • [ ] Clean up code - on Progress
  • [ ] Save Favorite Posts
  • [ ] Save recent search
  • [x] Better Navigation Transitions
  • [ ] iOS Support

This app based on a tutorial by - MarcusNG

Download Details:

Author: Edenik

Source Code:

#flutter #dart #mobile-apps

Instagram Clone App Using - Dart, Flutter, Firebase
29.05 GEEK