Build and Deploy a LeetCode Clone with React, Next JS, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Firebase

In this project tutorial, you will build a LeetCode clone with React, Tailwind CSS, Next.JS, Typescript, and Firebase. Also deploy it to Vercel at the end.

⭐️ Contents ⭐️
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:29 Demo of The App
0:05:23 Project Setup
0:08:51 Auth Page Setup
0:13:19 Auth Page Navbar
0:18:54 AuthModal Layout UI
0:22:16 Login UI
0:29:41 Signup UI
0:31:59 ResetPassword UI
0:33:13 Integrating Recoil Auth State
0:47:31 Firebase Setup
0:52:41 Signup Functionality
1:01:21 Login Functionality
1:05:14 Auth Page Route Guard
1:08:01 Home Page UI
1:12:50 Problems Table UI
1:21:01 Youtube Video Modal
1:29:51 Topbar Update On Auth
1:32:46 Logout Functionality
1:37:11 Auth Modal Optimizations
1:38:44 Reset Password Functionality
1:42:56 React Toastify
1:47:19 Image optimizations
1:54:33 Creating [pid] page and update topbar
2:02:27 Creating Timer.tsx
2:12:31 Creating Workspace.tsx
2:15:18 Splitting The Page
2:19:47 Creating ProblemDescrition.tsx
2:26:03 Creating PreferenceNav.tsx
2:34:39 Creating Code Editor
2:41:10 Adding Test Cases UI
2:50:15 Creating EditorFooter.tsx
2:56:32 Data Handling Explained
3:01:50 Two Sum Problem
3:12:52 Reverse Linked List
3:18:05 Jump Game Problem
3:20:13 Valid Parentheses Problem
3:21:16 Search 2d Matrix Problem
3:22:01 Using SSG for [pid].tsx
3:46:47 Updating testcases UI
3:51:39 Initializing Firestore
3:55:56 Adding problems to DB
4:12:09 Fetch Problems
4:32:58 Create Users in DB
4:40:33 Fetch problem data
4:51:28 Loading skeletons
4:56:35 Get user data on the problem
5:06:23 Like functionality
5:27:51 Dislike functionality
5:39:03 Star functionality
5:46:03 Next and Previous problem
5:55:23 Solving Hydration Error
5:58:08 Confetti Celebration
6:01:43 Code Submission
6:20:50 Save code to localstorage
6:24:48 Solving bugs
6:31:08 Toggle Full Screen
6:34:13 SettingsModal UI
6:41:33 SettingsModal Functionality
6:54:23 Update Home Page
6:59:11 Sandboxing technique
7:01:58 Deployment
7:05:08 Firebase Rules

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#leetcode #react #nextjs #typescript #tailwindcss #firebase

LeetCode Clone with React, Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Firebase
1.50 GEEK