Custom scrollbars are getting more popular nowadays, and I’m very keen to dig into them. There are different reasons why to customize a scrollbar. For example, the default scrollbar can make an app UI look inconsistent across multiple operating systems, and here we can get the benefit of having a unified style.

I have always been interested in learning about how to customize a scrollbar in CSS but didn’t get the chance to do so. In this article, I will take the opportunity and learn about them and document this journey.


The first thing that I want to explain is the components or the parts of a scrollbar. A scrollbar contains the track and the thumb. Here is a visual that shows them:

The track is the base of the scrollbar, where the thumb is what the user drag to scroll within a page or a section.

There is one important thing to keep in mind that a scrollbar can work horizontally or vertically, depending on the design. Also, that can change while working on a multilingual website that works in both left-to-right (LTR) and right-to-left (RTL) directions.

Customizing A Scrollbar Design

Having a custom scrollbar used to be webkit only so Firefox and IE were out of the game. We have a new syntax that works only in Firefox and will make things easier for us when it’s fully supported. I will go through the old Webkit syntax, and then the new one.

The Old Syntax

The Scrollbar Width

First, we need to define the size of the scrollbar. This can be the width for vertical scrollbars, and the height for horizontal ones.

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Custom Scrollbars In CSS
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