Google announced that Chrome 86 will begin cracking down on forms that are sent via the insecure HTTP protocol. Publishers are urged to review their sites and make sure that all forms are transmitted via the secure HTTPS protocol.

Some sites that have migrated to HTTPS may still have forms that are transmitting via the insecure HTTP protocol.

If these forms are related to lead generation, it may result in less earnings.

Chrome 86 Insecure Form Warnings

Chrome 86 is due to be released on October 6, 2020. A beta release is scheduled for the week of September 3rd.

Screenshot of Chrome Release Schedule

Screenshot of Chrome 86 release scheduleAccording to Google:

“Chrome will be making the following changes to communicate the risks associated with mixed form submission…”

The goal is to alert users that they are transmitting information in a manner that may cause it to be viewed by unauthorized third parties.

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Chrome 86 Will Crack Down Hard on Insecure Forms - Search Engine Journal
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