This deep dive into pure functions and collaborative development will help you see how object-oriented and functional programming can work together in Java.

Writing software is hard.

Writing good software is harder.

Writing good, simple software is the hardest.

Writing good, simple software as a team is the hardest… est.

You shouldn’t need several hours to understand what a method, class, or package does. If you need a lot of mental effort to even start programming, you will run out of energy before you can produce quality. Reduce the cognitive load of your code and you will reduce its amount of bugs.

“This is puristic nonsense!” you say. “Intellectual masturbation! Software should be modeled after real-world, mutable objects!”

I’m not saying you should go on a vision quest and return as a hardcore functional programmer. That wouldn’t be very productive. Functional and object-oriented programming can complement each other greatly.

I will show you how.

But first, let’s get to the what and why of it.

#java #tutorial #java 8 #functional programming #refactoring #clean code #team collaboration #pure functions

Pure Bliss With Pure Functions in Java
1.10 GEEK