With technology changing at a fast pace, you see newer and improved versions of iPhones being introduced in the market. If you wish to be up to date with the latest technology, it would mean procuring the latest model of Apple’s iPhone. However, iPhones are quite expensive, especially the newer models, and any damage or loss of your phone can be a costly proposition.

In order to minimise the financial risk caused by any damage or loss of your iPhone, it is important to buy a suitable mobile insurance plan for your phone.

Let us explore the factors to be borne in mind while choosing the best mobile insurance policy for your iPhone:

Type of Policy

You have an option to buy a gadget policy to cover all the gadgets that you use under the same policy. This is suitable for people who own many electronic gadgets that need to be insured. In case you are looking for more comprehensive coverage, you can opt for standalone mobile insurance. If your perceived risk is higher, it is advisable to buy a standalone mobile insurance policy.

For instance, you can opt for a mobile screen insurance plan; it covers any damage to your mobile phone screen which is the most vulnerable part of your phone. You also have options for customising mobile insurance to suit your needs.

Age of your phone

It is important to buy mobile insurance within a reasonable time after the purchase of your smartphone. Most insurers refuse to cover phones that are older than 30 days. The proof of purchase such as the original invoice/bill needs to be produced at the time of buying mobile insurance. This document is important at the time of making a claim too.

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Insure your iPhone with the best Mobile Insurance Policy
1.10 GEEK