New features in ES6 every developer must know πŸ“

Special features of modern JavaScript

πŸ“ JavaScript can be defined as a very powerful programming language and it is actually based on ECMA script. (ECMA is the foundation and javascript is on top of that)

πŸ“ JavaScript ES6 is also called ECMAScript 6 or ECMAScript 2015 And this was introduced in 2015 as a new version of JavaScript.

In this article, I’m going to discuss the below topics:

1. Scope

2. Constants

3. Arrow Function

4. Function and Arrow Function

5. Handling Objects

6. Freeze method

7. Template

8. Classes

9. Destructuring

10. JavaScript Callback Function and Promises

11. Async function / await

Let’s get to the coding πŸ˜Ž

β‘  Scope

This is the accessibility of variables in javascript So the scope controls the visibility of variables of your code. There are two types of scope:

✸ Global variables β€” These are declared outside of a block. Variables that are declared inside the Global scope can be accessed anywhere in our code.

✸ Local variables β€”These are declared inside of a block. Variables that are declared inside the Local scope can be accessed only within that particular block.

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Modern JavaScript! πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»
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