In this tutorial, I will show you how to build a full-stack Pagination (React + Spring Boot) example on Server side. The back-end server uses Spring Data and Spring Web for REST APIs, front-end side is a React App with Axios for HTTP Requests.

Full Article:

Pagination with React & Spring Boot example

Assume that we have tutorials table in database like this:


We need to export APIs for pagination (with/without filter) as following samples:

  • /api/tutorials?page=1&size=3
  • /api/tutorials?size=5: using default value for page
  • /api/tutorials?title=data&page=1&size=5: pagination & filter by title containing 'data'
  • /api/tutorials/published?page=2: pagination & filter by 'published' status

This is structure of the result that we want to get from the APIs:

    "totalItems": 32,
    "tutorials": [...],
    "totalPages": 3,
    "currentPage": 1

Our React app will display the result with pagination:


You can change to a page with larger index:


Or change page size (quantity of items per page):


Or paging with filter:


Full-stack Architecture

We're gonna build the Spring Boot + React Pagination application with following architecture: react-spring-boot-pagination-example-architecture
  • Spring Boot exports REST Apis using Spring Web MVC & interacts with Database using Spring Data.
  • React Client sends HTTP Requests and retrieve HTTP Responses using axios, shows data on the components. We also use React Router for navigating to pages.

For more details, implementation and Github, please visit:

Further Reading

Run both projects in one place:
How to integrate React.js with Spring Boot

Fullstack CRUD App:

File Upload: React + Spring Boot: File Upload/Download example

Or Security: React + Spring Boot: JWT Authentication & Authorization example

#react #spring #spring-boot #pagination #web-development #reactjs

React + Spring Boot: Pagination example
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