Golang String, Golang StringBuilder, Strings Library -
Today’s Golang Dojo tutorial is all about the Golang Strings, Golang String Builder, and the Golang Library. Along with that, we will go through the string literals, slice of bytes, strings basics, conversion between strings and numbers, and any other things that you need to know about Golang Strings. We will talk about each of them briefly and explain how they are applied in the Go programming language. Enjoy!

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0:00 Intro
0:54 Hello World
1:08 Declaring a String Variable
1:48 Length Function
2:10 Access Individual Characters
2:50 Access a Certain Portion
3:45 String Concatenation
4:06 String Literals
4:51 Slice
7:04 Native Support
8:33 String Library
12:04 String Builders
18:24 Conversion of string and other data type
22:05 Outro

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#golang #golangdojo #golangninja

Golang String, Golang StringBuilder, Strings Library
1.10 GEEK