In previous articles, we discussed how to set up your own mail server on CentOS 8/RHEL 8 from scratch. In part of this tutorial series, we learned how to set up Postfix SMTP server and Dovecot IMAP server, but so far we can only have email addresses for users with local Unix account. This tutorial is going to show you how to create virtual mailboxes on CentOS 8/RHEL 8 mail server with PostfixAdmin, which is an open-source web-based interface to configure and manage a Postfix based email server for many domains and users.
With virtual mailboxes, we don’t need to create local Unix account for each email address. If you are going to set up a mail server for a company or organization, it’s always better to have an easy way to create virtual mailboxes in a web-based interface, which also allows users to change their passwords. That’s where PostfixAdmin comes in.
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