Learn how to set up client credentials flow for application authentication with Okta and Kong Konnect. Learn more about Konnect and start a free trial: https://bit.ly/3vDuUBz

Table of Contents:

  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 00:33 Konnect and Okta Integration Topology
  • 00:53 Authorization Code Flow
  • 02:00 Okta Application Settings
  • 02:47 Apply the OpenID Connect Plugin
  • 03:40 Test the OpenID Connect Plugin

How Does Authorization Code Flow Work?

  1. A user tries to consume the API.
  2. If the user doesn’t have a token injected, Kong redirects the user to Okta, the identity provider.
  3. The user authenticates on Okta and is sent back to Kong with an authorization code token.
  4. Kong validates the parameters and exchanges the authorization code token by calling Okta’s token endpoint.

Read the full tutorial blog post: https://bit.ly/3oUdWwo

Contact us if you have any questions as you’re getting set up: https://support.konghq.com/support/s/

Once you’ve set up Konnect and Okta, you may find these other tutorials helpful:

• 3 Ways Kong Helps With API Gateway Governance: https://bit.ly/3ujZDCY
• Getting Started with Kong Mesh and Open Policy Agent: https://bit.ly/3o8Cq4U
• Protect Your APIs With Kong Konnect and Fastly (Signal Sciences): https://bit.ly/3ogiVr1

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Apply Authorization Code Flow with Kong Konnect and Okta
1.75 GEEK