AngularJS vs Vue.js: Which is the Best Front-end JavaScript Framework?

Are you are a business owner looking for front-end development services, but unable to decide which technology is the best match for you? Are you confused about choosing between two best frontend development tools Angular.js vs Vue.js for creating your web apps?

Then you are in the right place as this is a must-read post for you. Here we will compare two of the most popular JavaScript frameworks: AngularJS and Vue.js.

In contemporary times, front-end development cannot be imagined without Javascript frameworks. The choice between them plays a crucial role in determining the scalability, structure, and performance of an application.

It’s one of the most integral aspects of front-end web development and essentially provides the structure for the code libraries to work. Within this realm of Javascript based frameworks, Angular and Vue co-exist with each other and are among the most popular front-end frameworks today.

Let’s have a look at some of the highlights which show how these two frameworks perform in web application development individually:

1. Angular.js is opinionated and heavy, but high on functionality. Whereas Vue.js is flexible and light but prefers speed over function.

2. Angular.js has a steeper learning curve, therefore, you need more experienced full-stack developers for your project.

3. Angular.js has more resources and support, but Vue.js is catching up

Why & When should you choose Angular.js

— Angular.js has a wide set of functions and an opinionated structure. This makes it more suitable for large-scale, dynamic and real-time applications such as instant messaging and chat apps.

— It’s highly appropriate for cross-platform mobile development and Enterprise applications.

Why & When should you choose Vue.js

— If all you want is a lightweight and single-page web application, then Vue.js is the best choice.

— If speed and performance are what matter to you the most.


Both of these frameworks would provide a great structure for your application. But you can choose any of them according to your requirements. If you want a framework that’s almost considered as an industry standard and is well-trusted. Then AngularJS web development is the way to go. However, if your application demands a single-page layout, and if you want it to be fast, light and clean. Then there could be no better choice than Vue.js web development. There are various web app development companies you can contact to develop your web apps.

For complete comparison visit: AngularJS vs Vue.js: Which is the Best Front-end JavaScript Framework?

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AngularJS vs Vue.js: Which is the Best Front-end JavaScript Framework?
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