Cloudflare extensively uses its own products internally in a process known as dogfooding. As part of my onboarding as an intern on the Spectrum (a layer 4 reverse proxy) team, I learned that many internal services dogfood Spectrum, as they are exposed to the Internet and benefit from layer 4 DDoS protection. One of my first tasks was to update the configuration for an internal service that was using Spectrum. The configuration was managed in Salt (used for configuration management at Cloudflare), which was not particularly user-friendly, and required an engineer on the Spectrum team to handle updating it manually.

This process took about a week. That should instantly raise some questions, as a typical Spectrum customer can create a new Spectrum app in under a minute through Cloudflare Dashboard. So why couldn’t I?

This question formed the basis of my intern project for the summer.

The Process

Cloudflare uses various IP ranges for its products. Some customers also authorize Cloudflare to announce their IP prefixes on their behalf (this is known as BYOIP). Collectively, we can refer to these IPs as managed addresses. To prevent Bad Stuff (defined later) from happening, we prohibit managed addresses from being used as Spectrum origins. To accomplish this, Spectrum had its own table of denied networks that included the managed addresses. For the average customer, this approach works great – they have no legitimate reason to use a managed address as an origin.

Unfortunately, the services dogfooding Spectrum all use Cloudflare IPs, preventing those teams with a legitimate use-case from creating a Spectrum app through the configuration service (i.e. Cloudflare Dashboard). To bypass this check, these internal customers needed to define a custom Spectrum configuration, which needed to be manually deployed to the edge via a pull request to our Salt repo, resulting in a time consuming process.

If an internal customer wanted to change their configuration, the same time consuming process must be used. While this allowed internal customers to use Spectrum, it was tedious and error prone.

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How Cloudflare Uses Cloudflare Spectrum: An Intern’s Project at Cloudflare
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