5 Best Python Libraries for Building Admin Panels

Learn about the 5 best Python libraries for building admin panels. These libraries make it easy to create powerful and customizable admin interfaces for your web applications.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation. Python is dynamically typed and garbage-collected. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured, object-oriented and functional programming.

Here are some of the key features of Python:

  • Simple and easy to learn: Python has a simple syntax that is similar to the English language, making it easy to learn for beginners.
  • Powerful: Python is a powerful language that can be used to create a wide variety of programs, from simple scripts to complex applications.
  • Versatile: Python is a versatile language that can be used for a variety of tasks, including web development, data science, and machine learning.
  • Portable: Python code can be run on a variety of platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and Raspberry Pi.
  • Free and open-source: Python is a free and open-source language, which means that it is freely available to everyone.

Python is used in a wide variety of fields, including:

  • Web development: Python is a popular language for web development, as it is easy to learn and use, and there are many libraries available for web development tasks.
  • Data science: Python is a popular language for data science, as it has a number of libraries for data analysis and machine learning.
  • Machine learning: Python is a popular language for machine learning, as it has a number of libraries for machine learning algorithms.
  • Scientific computing: Python is a popular language for scientific computing, as it has a number of libraries for numerical computation and data visualization.
  • Automation: Python can be used to automate tasks, such as sending emails or processing data.

5 Best Python Libraries for Building Admin Panels

  1. Ajenti 

Ajenti is a Linux & BSD modular server admin panel. Ajenti 2 provides a new interface and a better architecture, developed with Python3 and AngularJS.

Feature highlights

Easy installation : Ajenti 2 can be easy installed with pip and the provided script.

Existing configuration : Picks up your current configuration and works on your existing system as-is, without any preparation.

Caring : Does not overwrite your config files, options and comments. All changes are non-destructive.

Batteries included : Includes lots of plugins for system and software configuration, monitoring and management.

Extensible : Ajenti 2 is easily extensible using Python. Plugin development is a quick and pleasant with Ajenti APIs. Write your first plugin.

Modern : Pleasant to look at, satisfying to click and accessible anywhere from tablets and mobile.

Lightweight : Small memory footprint and CPU usage. Runs on low-end machines, wall plugs, routers and so on.


Screenshot Ajenti LoginScreenshot Ajenti DashboardScreenshot Ajenti Settings
Screenshot Ajenti PluginsScreenshot Ajenti SystemdScreenshot Ajenti Terminal

Source: https://github.com/ajenti/ajenti

2.    Django JET

Modern template for Django admin interface with improved functionality

Attention! NEW JET

We are proud to announce completely new Jet. Please check out Live Demo.

Developing of new features for Django Jet will be frozen, only critical bugs will be fixed.

Live Demo

Django JET has two kinds of licenses: open-source (AGPLv3) and commercial. Please note that using AGPLv3 code in your programs make them AGPL compatible too. So if you don't want to comply with that we can provide you a commercial license (visit Home page). The commercial license is designed for using Django JET in commercial products and applications without the provisions of the AGPLv3.


  • Download and install latest version of Django JET:
pip install django-jet
# or
easy_install django-jet
  • Add 'jet' application to the INSTALLED_APPS setting of your Django project settings.py file (note it should be before 'django.contrib.admin'):
  • Make sure django.template.context_processors.request context processor is enabled in settings.py (Django 1.8+ way):
        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [],
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [


Before Django 1.8 you should specify context processors different way. Also use django.core.context_processors.request instead of django.template.context_processors.request.

from django.conf import global_settings

  • Add URL-pattern to the urlpatterns of your Django project urls.py file (they are needed for related–lookups and autocompletes):
urlpatterns = patterns(
    url(r'^jet/', include('jet.urls', 'jet')),  # Django JET URLS
    url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),
  • Create database tables:
python manage.py migrate jet
# or
python manage.py syncdb
  • Collect static if you are in production environment:
python manage.py collectstatic
  • Clear your browser cache

Source: https://github.com/geex-arts/django-jet

3.    Xadmin

Drop-in replacement of Django admin comes with lots of goodies, fully extensible with plugin support, pretty UI based on Twitter Bootstrap.


  • Drop-in replacement of Django admin
  • Twitter Bootstrap based UI with theme support
  • Extensible with plugin support
  • Better filter, date range, number range, etc.
  • Built-in data export with xls, csv, xml and json format
  • Dashboard page with widget support
  • In-site bookmarking
  • Full CRUD methods

Get Started


Xadmin is best installed via PyPI. To install the latest version, run:

pip install xadmin

or Install from github source:

pip install git+git://github.com/sshwsfc/xadmin.git

Install from github source for Django 2.0:

pip install git+git://github.com/sshwsfc/xadmin.git@django2

Source: https://github.com/sshwsfc/xadmin

4.    Flask-Admin

The project was recently moved into its own organization. Please update your references to git@github.com:flask-admin/flask-admin.git.


Flask-Admin is a batteries-included, simple-to-use Flask extension that lets you add admin interfaces to Flask applications. It is inspired by the django-admin package, but implemented in such a way that the developer has total control of the look, feel and functionality of the resulting application.

Out-of-the-box, Flask-Admin plays nicely with various ORM's, including

It also boasts a simple file management interface and a redis client console.

The biggest feature of Flask-Admin is flexibility. It aims to provide a set of simple tools that can be used for building admin interfaces of any complexity. So, to start off with you can create a very simple application in no time, with auto-generated CRUD-views for each of your models. But then you can go further and customize those views & forms as the need arises.

Flask-Admin is an active project, well-tested and production ready.


Several usage examples are included in the /examples folder. Please add your own, or improve on the existing examples, and submit a pull-request.

To run the examples in your local environment:

1. Clone the repository::

      git clone https://github.com/flask-admin/flask-admin.git
      cd flask-admin

2. Create and activate a virtual environment::

      virtualenv env -p python3
      source env/bin/activate

3. Install requirements::

      pip install -r examples/sqla/requirements.txt

4. Run the application::

      python examples/sqla/run_server.py

Source: https://github.com/flask-admin/flask-admin

5.    Flower

Flower is an open-source web application for monitoring and managing Celery clusters. It provides real-time information about the status of Celery workers and tasks.


  • HTTP Basic Auth, Google, Github, Gitlab and Okta OAuth
  • Prometheus integration
  • API


Installing flower with pip is simple

$ pip install flower

The development version can be installed from Github

$ pip install https://github.com/mher/flower/zipball/master#egg=flower


To run Flower, you need to provide the broker URL

$ celery --broker=amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672// flower

Or use the configuration of celery application

$ celery -A tasks.app flower

By default, flower runs on port 5555, which can be modified with the port option

$ celery -A tasks.app flower --port=5001

You can also run Flower using the docker image

$ docker run -v examples:/data -p 5555:5555 mher/flower celery --app=tasks.app flower

In this example, Flower is using the tasks.app defined in the examples/tasks.py file

Broker monitoring

  • View statistics for all Celery queues

Remote Control

  • View worker status and statistics
  • Shutdown and restart worker instances
  • Control worker pool size and autoscale settings
  • View and modify the queues a worker instance consumes from
  • View currently running tasks
  • View scheduled tasks (ETA/countdown)
  • View reserved and revoked tasks
  • Apply time and rate limits
  • Revoke or terminate tasks

Real-time monitoring using Celery Events

  • View task progress and history
  • View task details (arguments, start time, runtime, and more)

Source: https://github.com/mher/flower


5 Best Python Libraries for Building Admin Panels
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