Almost every project needs to communicate with the outside world. If youʼre working with JavaScript frameworks, you’ll most likely use Fetch API to do that.

But when you’re working with the API, do you remember the syntax by heart or do you need a little help?

I have written many articles about JavaScript and related things only to find myself later frequently (re)visiting them to refresh my memory or get some sample code that I know “is there somewhere.”

In this article, I aim to create another resource like that. I will list the 9 most common Fetch API requests.

Iʼm sure youʼve used them all many times. But wouldnʼt it be nice to avoid going through old projects to find the syntax of that specific request you used half a year ago? :)

Why Use the Fetch API?

Nowadays, we are spoiled by all the services providing nice SDKs that abstract away the actual API requests. We just ask for data using typical language constructs and donʼt care about the actual data exchange.

But what if thereʼs no SDK for your chosen platform? Or what if youʼre building both the server and the client? In these cases, you need to handle the requests on your own. This is how you can do it using the Fetch API.

#javascript #api #programming #web-development #developer

The Fetch API Cheatsheet: Nine of the Most Common API Requests
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