Data science covers very vast chapters, as a beginner, it might be difficult to decide where to start.

Data Science involves various steps from Data collection to Model prediction.

As a beginner, these words can sound like it is complex to learn, but with interest and passion, you can learn all of it.

I Am listing down these steps as I find it to be the easy way to start learning and in the order of priority when it comes to any interviews.

SQL (Structured Query Language):

SQL plays a major role in learning Data Science. Database is where you collect the data and convert it in to any usable format like CSV for working around the data.

The most asked question in almost every interview and the initial screening rounds will be SQL.

SQL Create, Insert, Select, grouping, SQL joins, Sub query and analytic functions are the areas you need to be very strong with the basics.

Hacker rank is one of the sites where you can practice SQL statements and there are many resources available online where you can learn the basics.

You can install any IDE like SQL workbench to practice these SQL queries.

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A Simple Beginner’s Guide for Learning Data Science
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