Java string length() is an inbuilt function that is used to get the length of a Java String. Often, it is required to find out the length of a String, and for such scenarios, Java provides the inbuilt java.lang.String.length() method. Length of the String is essentially the number of 16-bit Unicode characters it contains. In the case of an empty String, it contains zero characters. However, in the case of a null string, this method will throw NullPointerException.

Java String length()

Java String length()

The function is used to get the length of a Java String.

The string length method returns the number of characters written in the String.

The method returns the length of any string, which is equal to the number of 16-bit Unicode characters in the string.

See the following syntax of Java String length().

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Java String length() | How To Find String Length In Java
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