Learn all about the difference between the Column and the Row widget and why they’re so similar while also being different.
Hey there, you’re probably a beginner to Flutter - maybe even a beginner to programming! - so I created this video which fairly simply explains how to use the Column and the Row widget and what kind of behaviour you can expect from them. I go into many different peculiarities to each of these widgets (which are much more similar than what you would expect). At the end, I show you an online article with a cheat sheet for Flutter layout widgets and I leave you with a small, not too complicated challenge for you to test out your new-found knowledge. Hope you enjoy and continue on your Flutter/Dart journey to mastering web and mobile apps.

Link to medium layout cheat sheet: https://medium.com/flutter-community/flutter-layout-cheat-sheet-5363348d037e

#flutter #column #row explained #beginners

Flutter - Column vs Row Explained (Widgets For Beginners)
1.20 GEEK