Let me be your BI consultant. Best yet, let me be your free consultant on the following question:

DOMO vs. Tableau — What should I use?

I’ve had the privilege of working in both BI tools, and I can say that both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses.

Tableau is definitely more widely used than DOMO, but is that because it is better than DOMO? On the other hand, DOMO has an insane and almost cult-like following with events like its yearly DOMOpalooza, but is it better than Tableau?

Time to hash this out. Gloves on. Let’s make this a clean fight.

Data consultants, are you ready?

Let’s Go!

Round 1: Connecting to Datasources

Winner:_ DOMO — No Contest_

No contest. DOMO wins hands with its 1K+ data connectorsTableau has the main integrations that you’ll want like Excel, Salesforce, PostgreSQL and such, but DOMO just has a MASSIVE amount of supported connections.

Easy. Round 1 to DOMO.

#business #business-intelligence #domo #data-science #tableau #data analysis

DOMO vs. Tableau — Round by Round
1.50 GEEK