• Conducting load tests against APIs and websites can both validate performance after a long stretch of development and get useful feedback from an application in order to increase its scaling capabilities and performance.
  • Engineers should avoid creating “the cathedral” of load testing and end up with little time to improve performance overall. Write the simplest possible test and iterate from there.
  • Gatling can be used to conduct stress tests, soak tests, and capacity tests. It is also possible to write Give-When-Then style tests.
  • When analyzing results, engineers must examine percentile results, rather than focusing on averages.
  • It is important to establish the goals, constraints, and conditions of any load test. Always identify and verify any assumptions, e.g. a user’s default device, network speed, the type of server an application will be running on production.

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Load Testing APIs and Websites with Gatling: It’s Never Too Late to Get Started
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