Simple Implementation of BEM in Vue 3

Vue 3 BEM

Maintainers & Contributors welcome

Vue.js BEM

Simple implementation of BEM in Vue 3.x

Based on Vue 2.x library vue-bem-cn


npm i @vuebits/bem / yarn add @vuebits/bem

And install in your entry file (e.g. main.js):

import { createBem } from '@vuebits/bem';

createApp(App).use(createBem({ /* your config here */ })).mount('#app');


Available functions:

  • createBem (options: BemOptions):
interface BemOptions {
  hyphenate?: boolean;

Vue instance properties and methods:

  • $bem ({ b, e, m }: BemItem): string[]:
interface BemItem {
  b?: string;
  e?: string;
  m?: string | string[] | {[key in string]: boolean};


Using component name by default:

  <div :class="$bem({})"> <!-- $bem({}) will return 'hello-world' -->
    Hello world!

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'hello-world'

<style lang="scss">
.hello-world {
  // some styles here

Using hyphenated component name:

If you use PascalCase naming convence you should init library with hyphenate option:

import { createBem } from '@vuebits/bem';

  hyphenate: true

and then:

  <div :class="$bem({})"> <!-- returns ['hello-world'] -->
    Hello world!

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'HelloWorld'

<style lang="scss">
.hello-world {
  // some styles here

Custom block name:

  <div :class="$bem({b: 'custom-block'})"> <!-- returns ['custom-block'] -->
    Hello world!

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'HelloWorld'

<style lang="scss">
.custom-block {
  // some styles here

Element name:

  <div :class="$bem({})"> <!-- (or $bem({b: 'hello-world'})) - return ['hello-world'] -->
    <h1 :class="$bem({e: 'title'})"> <!-- (or $bem({b: 'hello-world', e: 'title'})) - returns ['hello-world__title'] -->
      Hello world!
    <p :class="$bem({e: 'description'})"> <!-- (or $bem({b: 'hello-world', e: 'description'})) - returns ['hello-world__description'] -->
      This is a description

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'HelloWorld'

<style lang="scss">
.hello-world {
  // some styles here
  &__title {
    // some styles here
  &__description {
    // some styles here

Inline modfiers:

  <div :class="$bem({})"> <!-- returns ['hello-world'] -->
    <p :class="$bem({e: 'text', m: ['underlined']})"> <!-- returns ['hello-world__text', 'hello-world__text--underlined'] -->
      This is a description
    <p :class="$bem({e: 'text', m: ['underlined', 'highlighted']})"> <!-- returns ['hello-world__text', 'hello-world__text--underlined', 'hello-world__text--highlighted'] -->
      This is a description

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'HelloWorld'

<style lang="scss">
.hello-world {
  // some styles here
  &__text {
    // some styles here
    &--underlined {
      // some styles here
    &--highlighted {
      // some styles here

Conditional modfiers:

  <div :class="$bem({})"> <!-- returns ['hello-world'] -->
    <p :class="$bem({e: 'description', m: {underlined: true, highlighted: isHighlighted}})"> <!-- returns ['hello-world__description', 'hello-world__description--underlined'] -->
      This is a description

<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from 'vue';

export default defineComponent({
  name: 'HelloWorld',
  data () {
    return {
      isHighlighted: false

<style lang="scss">
.hello-world {
  // some styles here
  &__description {
    // some styles here
    &--underlined {
      // some styles here
    &--highlighted {
      // some styles here

Download Details:

Author: vuebits

Source Code:

#vue #vuejs #javascript

Simple Implementation of BEM in Vue 3
79.30 GEEK