DevOps is an application development practice that merges development tasks and operational tasks for a better software development lifecycle management, in the meanwhile also handling the frequent updates, bugs, and features of the application.DevOps involves continuous development tasks like planning the code, coding, building the code, and testing it along with continuous operational tasks like releasing the code, deploying it, operating it, and monitoring it, followed by continuous integration of both the task sets.

DevOps core concepts:

  • The continuous build is a continuous and automated build process. It runs the added or modified codes.
  • Continuous Integration is the automated build and execution of at least unit tests to prove integration of new code with existing code but preferably integration tests (end to end). It is a practice of automatically building and unit testing an entire application frequently, ideally, on every source code check-ins, dozens of times a day, if necessary.

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Basic Concepts of DevOps Core and Pipeline Building
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