Learn Flutter from beginner basics to advanced techniques. Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit for making natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single code base.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #1 - Intro & Setup

Hey gang, in this Flutter tutorial for beginners, I’ll give you a quick introduction to the course and Flutter itself, a preview of what we’ll be building & finally show you how to install Flutter on your computer.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #2 - Flutter Overview

Hey gang, in this Flutter tutorial I’ll explain the basic concepts of Flutter and what makes up a Flutter app - WIDGETS!!

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #3 - Dart Primer

Hey gang, in this Flutter tutorial I’ll give you a quick primer to the Dart language, which is what we’ll be using t create our Flutter apps. We’ll look at variables, functions, lists and classes. You can practise dart on Dart Pad here - https://dartpad.dartlang.org/

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #4 - Creating a Flutter App in Android Studio

In this Flutter tutorial we’ll take a look at how to set up a Flutter app in Android Studio, as well as how to install an Android virtual device to test our Flutter apps on.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #5 - Scaffold & AppBar Widgets

In this Flutter tutorial we’ll take a look at the Scaffold widget and the AppBar widget. We use the Scaffold widget to flesh out a quick app layout, you can read more about it here - https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/material/Scaffold-class.html

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #6 - Colours & Fonts

In this Flutter tutorial I’ll explain ho we can use the Material Design colour library in Flutter. I’ll also show you how to add a custom font to our projects as well.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #7 - Stateless Widgets & Hot Reload

In this Flutter tutorial I’ll talk about what stateless widgets are and how we can begin to make our code more modular by using them. We’ll also see how they help us with a feature called hot reload, to help speed up development.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #8 - Images & Assets

In this Flutter tutorial I’ll show you how to work with images. I’ll show you two types of Image widget - the network image widget and the asset image widget.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #9 - Buttons & Icons

In this Flutter tutorial we’ll see how to use both the Icon and the various Button widgets (flat & raised), as well as how both can work together to create icons inside buttons.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #10 - Containers & Padding

In this Flutter tutorial I’ll explain how we can add padding, margin & background colours to sections of the app using wither the Container or Padding widget.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #11 - Rows

In this Flutter tutorial I’ll explain we can start to put more than 1 widget on a page by using rows (the Row widget!).

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #12 - Columns

In this Flutter tutorial I’ll show you how to layout widgets into columns, and also how to nest rows within columns too.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #13 - Flutter Outline & Shortcuts

In this Flutter tutorial I’ll show you a few handy shortcuts using the action menu and the Flutter outline panel.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #14 - Expanded Widgets

In this Flutter tutorial I’ll explain what the Expanded widget is and how we can use it to control our layouts in conjunction with the flex property.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #15 - Ninja ID Project

In this Flutter tutorial we’ll put everything together that we’ve learnt so far about Flutter and create a mini app project (a ninja ID card!). We’ll also take a look at a couple of new widgets - SizedBox and CircleAvatar

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #16 - Stateful Widgets

In this Flutter tutorial we’ll take a look at using stateful widgets as well as stateless ones. Stateful widgets are ones which can contain changing state / data over time.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #17 - Lists of Data

In this Flutter tutorial I’ll show you how we can cycle through lists of data and output that data in our widget tree using the map method.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #18 - Custom Classes

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #19 - Cards

In this Flutter tutorial I’ll show you how to work with the Card widget - a simple layout widget in Flutter.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #20 - Extracting Widgets

In this Flutter tutorial I’ll show you how you can extract widget trees into their own re-usable class widget.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #21 - Functions as Parameters

In this Flutter tutorial I’ll show you how we can update the state of our ‘parent’ widget by passing a function into a nested ‘child’ widget.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #22 - Starting the World Time App

In this Flutter tutorial we’ll start our final, bigger project - the World Time app.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #23 - Maps & Routing

In this Flutter tutorial we’ll talk a little bit about Maps in Dart and routing for your apps (when you have multiple screens to transition between).

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #24 - Widget Lifecycle

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #25 - Asynchronous Code

In this Flutter tutorial we’ll talk about async code in Dart - async, await & Futures.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #26 - Flutter Packages (http)

In this Flutter tutorial I’ll show you how we can add packages to our Flutter apps to provide additional functionality. In our case we’ll be working with the ‘http’ package to collect data from a 3rd party API.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #27 - World Time API

In this Flutter tutorial we’ll take a look at the API we’ll be using to get our time data - the World Time API.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #28 - WorldTime Custom Class

In this Flutter tutorial we’ll create a custom WorldTime class to handle our api calls, and hook it up with our app.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #29 - Error Handling

In this Flutter tutorial for Beginners, I’ll explain how to handle errors from our API call.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #30 - Passing Route Data

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #31 - Formatting & Showing Dates

In this Flutter tutorial I’ll show you how we can quickly format our date and output it to the home screen.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #32 - Loaders / Spinners

In this Flutter tutorial we’ll take a look at how to create a spinner to show on the UI while the content is loading. For this we’ll use a package called Flutter Spinkit - https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_spinkit

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #33 -Ternary Operators

In this Flutter tutorial we’ll see how to use a ternary operator in Dart to choose what background image to show based on the time of day.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #34 - List View Builder

In this Flutter tutorial we’ll look at the ListView builder to create a list-style layout in our app.

Flutter Tutorial for Beginners #35 - Updating the Time

In this final Flutter tutorial we’ll see how we can update the time when we click on a different location.

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