I’m working on a presentation for my day job on ASP.NET 5 ASP.NET Core 1.0 and its new features, as most of my coworkers haven’t been exposed to it yet. Part of this process is to demo the new features like tag helpers, but part of it is also to explain what some of the new files like project.json are doing.

In the process of making this presentation, I felt that I didn’t understand the Startup.cs file enough, so this blog post is going to be a log of what I discovered about about it. Hopefully it helps someone else as much as it helped me.

But, as always, let’s see the code first. Note that this Startup.cs file was generated for me by Visual Studio 2015 for an ASP.NET Core 1.0 RC1 web project with no authentication. Here’s the file:

#tutorials #asp.net core 1.0

The Startup.cs File in ASP.NET Core 1.0 - What Does It Do?
1.30 GEEK