I firmly believe in learning by doing. In this article we will solve Bike Sharing Demand problem from scratch with code explanation, So hang tight for the ride.

Problem Statement

Bike sharing systems are a means of renting bicycles where the process of obtaining membership, rental, and bike return is automated via a network of kiosk locations throughout a city. Using these systems, people are able rent a bike from a one location and return it to a different place on an as-needed basis. Currently, there are over 500 bike-sharing programs around the world.

The data generated by these systems makes them attractive for researchers because the duration of travel, departure location, arrival location, and time elapsed is explicitly recorded. Bike sharing systems therefore function as a sensor network, which can be used for studying mobility in a city. Our aim here is to combine historical usage patterns with weather data and do exploratory data analysis of the Capital Bikeshare program in Washington, D.C.

#business-intelligence #statistics #artificial-intelligence #machine-learning #exploratory-data-analysis

EDA from Scratch: Hands on Guide
1.10 GEEK