As the last part of our dynamic arrays series, this week Liz tackles a popular interview problem where she uses dynamic arrays to decode a ransomware note.

This week’s problem:
A group of pesky haters has been plaguing Liz in her day job for some time now. They detonate ransomware on networks pretty regularly, which usually gets caught by the security engineers in time before they wreck havoc on her client’s networks. Their signature move is to leave a ransomware note with all the words reversed.

She is tasked with writing a function to quickly decode their ransomware notes that can be run in place on the notes.

Video Overview:

  • 0:25 The Problem
  • 1:04 Examples
  • 3:53 The Approach
  • 10:32 Coding a Javascript Solution
  • 31:30 Big O Analysis & Recap

Next week we are kicking off a new series on system design interview questions!


Decoding Ransomware with Dynamic Arrays in Javascript
2.60 GEEK