The demand for the modern version control system(GitHub vs Bitbucket vs GitLab) is an inevitable part of the development world. The secret behind the smooth process of web development is the dependency on the control version system, as it helps to maintain the flow in the development. Generally, version control systems are categorized into two:- centralized and distributed version control systems. Before getting deeper into the version control systems, let have a look at what is version control systems?

GitHub vs Bitbucket vs GitLab - An Overview

What is Version Control Systems?

As we have mentioned earlier, version control systems are of two types: Centralized Version Control Systems and Distributed Version Control Systems.

Centralized Version Control Systems

The systems contain only one repository and every user will get their own working copy. To reflect changes in the code, you need to commit changes in the repository. Once you commit changes to the repository, everyone else can see the updates in the repository. Here you can perform two commands:

  • Commit
  • Update

Distributed Version Control Systems

The distributed version control systems work differently as compared to the centralized version control systems. Here every user has their own repository as well as a working copy. Any changes or commit to the local repository will not make it accessible for others. You need to push code to the central repository to make it visible to others. You can pull code to check changes done by another user.

Here you can perform four commands:

  • Commit
  • Push
  • Pull
  • Update

So, let’s move forward to decide which is the best version control system for you: GitHub vs Bitbucket vs GitLab

#web developers #web development #gitlab

GitHub vs Bitbucket vs GitLab: Which is the Best Version Control System for you?
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