Common challenges of automated testing in the codeless era

Automated testing is mentioned in this era more and more frequently. According to Business Wire (, The Automation Testing market worldwide is projected to grow by US$17.6 billion, driven by a compounded growth of 17.7%.

However, automation testing still faces many major challenges, including:

  • Programming skills: For manual testers, the most difficult element of transiting to automation testing is the coding knowledge. The QA teams have to possess satisfactory coding skills to write, execute, and maintain test scripts.
  • Visual testing: Ensuring visual quality is essential since visible defects often influence functionality and thus the overall user experience. While some teams continue to test visual defects manually, many teams have automated test visual defects based on advanced AI to save time and money.
  • Scalability: Functional automation testing is challenging at extent. As the method solely follows pre-written scripts, the QA teams must have a clear and well-designed plan to scale up the process successfully.
  • Test flakiness: Flaky tests occur due to many factors including poorly written scripts, concurrency, async wait, test order dependency, etc. There is no ultimate solution for flaky tests at the moment.

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